Submission/Community Guidelines

The Phoenix Film Revival Community Gallery is an online gallery and resource to help photographers with exposure and sales. We want to support you and we will not take a commission on the sale of your work. Phoenix Film Revival will provide an online platform for you to connect directly with buyers. To participate you must be an active member of our Patreon at the $5 level or higher, or have a Darkroom Access Membership.

To signup on Patreon visit:

To signup for the Darkroom Access Membership visit:

Darkroom Access Membership

Phoenix Film Revival intends to be an inclusive and respectful space for the photography community. In order to maintain a safe and equitable environment for all, we ask that you consider how PFR will be represented by your submission.

Please adhere to the following when submitting work to be represented through PFR:

  • No imagery or verbiage that discriminates or otherwise makes any member feel unwelcome or threatened

  • No excessively violent or graphic content

  • No sexually explicit content

  • Submit only your own original work

The right to accept or deny work to be displayed and/or sold is reserved by the Phoenix Film Revival committee and is not limited to the above guidelines.

Use common sense and your best judgement, and do not submit work that would be disruptive to Phoenix Film Revival’s values. If you have questions about your submission content, please contact us at .