Apply to Sell

If you would like to sell your camera gear, prints or photo zines, please read these details below and fill out the form at the bottom. We will contact you via email with confirmation and additional details.

Camera & Photo Gear (Courtyard)

• Selling from 11am to 5pm in the courtyard. We recommend you arrive by 10am to setup.
• We will have space for up to 8 vendors.
• Vendors are required to bring their own table/chairs. (No canopies/8’ table max)
• Vendors will be required to pay $40 flat fee. Once accepted, an email with invoice will be sent.
• Vendor will be responsible for collecting their own payments and must be present during the entire event.
• Solicitation for other groups, events or businesses is prohibited.
• Majority of items need to be functional to sell.
• Deadline to apply is the 26th. We will inform you of acceptance.
(Acceptance will be on a first come, first served basis.)

Prints & Zines (Lab)
• Selling from 11am to 8pm in the lab.
• Phoenix Film Revival will handle all payments of prints and zines. You do not have to be present.
• PFR will take a $5 cut per print/zine on all sales. (This covers CC fees & taxes)
• No fees will be assessed if items do not sell.
• Payment will be made to all vendors by November 16th.
• We will provide a list of drop off times. Last drop off will be 11/2
(No drop offs will be accepted the day of the event)
• Max 10 items per seller. Max print size of 11x14. (16x20 Matted)
• All prints must be sleeved with mat or backing board.
• Suggested selling price ($10-$80)
• Photo zines are accepted to sell.
• All items will have a inventory number attached to the back.
• Keep content geared toward a wide audience.
• Deadline to apply is the 26th. We will inform you of acceptance.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email Daniel at